
Do Olympiads are as important as academics?

When it comes to academics ,we all get serious . And even that should be . Nowadays ,almost every student uses the process of mugging up to pass the examination .Due to this the students can't develop a strong foundation which later results in several  problems for the students . Now a question might stuck in your mind ,that how can we overcome this process ? The answer to the question is -

1.Vanishing the method of mugging up ,and developing a new education policy .

2. Students should participate in activities like Olympiads.

What are actually Olympiads?

Olympiads are the exams that mainly focuses on understanding the concepts .They are not tough but they seems to be because ,they mainly focuses on understanding skills of a student and gives it a competitive touch . So that the students get ready to face the challenges of competitive world ahead and stays aware of the level of competitive exams. 

Who all are eligible for these Olympiads?

Almost every student studying between  1 to 12 class  can give this exams .There are certain Olympiads for college students too.

How can anyone participate in them ?

Most of the times the registrations are done by schools , but you can also register on the website of respective Olympiad  organisation . You have to pay the mandatory fee asked by the Olympiad organisation or school. You may ask for a workbook or a booklet for preparation.

How can we  do preparation for these examinations?

The syllabus of such exams is almost  same as the school curriculum . You can prepare for them by practicing the concepts of the ncert books . You should give more importance to ncert other than any reference book . You can also practice from some workbooks.

Would I be rewarded if I get good rank?

Yeah , surely you will be rewarded on the basis of criteria of the respective organisataion . You may get cash ,rewards or a trip to somewhere.

Are there Olympiads for mathematics also?

Yes , there are Olympiads of various subjects like - maths , cyber ,english ,hindi ,french ,science ,general knowledge and company secretaries etc.

Which organisations provide better olympiads?

There are various organisations that provide a large variety of olympiads . Some of the BEST ORGANISATIONS are -
1. SOF Olympiads (science olympiad foundation)
2. Unified council
3. Silverzone foundation

                                    Overall we can conclude that Olympiads help in building strong foundations and provide a competitive environment for students. All Students should attempt these Olympiads to increase their understanding skills and strengthten their concepts .

Written by -

                Pranay thakur (Young developer and Olympiad aspirant)


I am a student and a part-time blogger . I am curious about technology and sharing the information I know is what I love the most